Western Rock Art Research conducts significant public education and community outreach to enhance public knowledge, understand, and respect of the cultural history of the United States. Lectures and classes are scheduled alongside survey and site documentation projects, as well as for conferences and by request.
Flowering cactus, Nevada. PC David M Lee
Upcoming Events
August 13, 2023, 4p.m. (PST)
David M. Lee, presentation for the San Diego Rock Art Association.
“ The Rock Art of Australia Part 2 –Seeing Rock Art through the Eyes of the Elders.”
You just missed us!
April 16th, 2023
David M. Lee, presentation for the San Diego Rock Art Association.
“The Rock Art of Australia Part 1 - Country and Art.”
Lectures or presentations for public education are provided for a nominal fee to cover expenses.

WRAR members and participants have publicly accessible lectures both the American Rock Art Research Association as well as the White Mountain Research Center.
Featured previous lectures:
DStretch Tutorial, Jon Harman
Western Message Petroglyphs, Leigh Marymor
How Rock Art Fit Into the Lives of People Who Made It, David M. Lee
The Euro-American “Discovery” of the Coso Petroglyphs, Sandy Rogers
Lectures and classes have been conducted all over the United States, as well as in Canada and Australia.
Huntsvill, Alabama
Phoenix, Arizona
Los Angeles, California
Santa Cruz, California
Santa Rosa, California
Toronto, Canada
South Florida, Florida
Central Florida, Florida
Athens, Georgia
Las Vegas, Nevada
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Stanton Island, New York
Long Island, New York
Salem, Oregon
Houston, Texas
Walla Walla, Washington
Arizona Archaeological Society, Flagstaff
Amboy Elementary School
Baker Elementary School
Bishop Paiute Cultural Center
Bishop Rotary Club
Bishop Christian Adventist School
Cerro Coso Community College
Coachella Valley Archaeological Society
Eastern California Museum
El Paso Museum
Fort Irwin National Training Center
Independence Paiute Council
Lone Pine Film History Museum
Lone Pine Paiute Tribal Center
Maturango Museum
Mojave National Preserve
Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Gardens
San Diego Rock Art Association
Sedgewick Natural Reserve
Timbisha Shoshone Tribal Center
Valentine Teaching Center
White Mountain Research Station
Zzyzx Desert Studies Center
Sunflower Theater, Cortez
Mesa Verde National Park
University of Georgia, Anthropology Department
North Las Vegas Public Library
Mohave River Museum
Nevada State Museum
New Mexico State University
Pacific Coast Archaeological Society
Houston Museum of Fine Arts
Houston Museum of Natural Science
Houston Community College
WALIPP School, Houston
Cornerstone Middle School, Houston
Askew Elementary School, Houston
Berry Elementary School, Houston
Reagan High School, Houston
Edge of the Cedars Museum
St. George Children’s Museum
Inter-Agency Office in St. George
Southern Utah University
Dixie Middle School
St. George Public Library
Silver Reef Museum
Inter-Agency Office, St. George
the Godinyamayin Cultural Centre, Katherine
University of Toronto
Photo credits: David M Lee